3 Reasons to Upgrade Your Office Power Points

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If you've been in your current offices for a few years, then you might find it useful to have a power point review. Upgrades here could have various benefits. When should you consider bringing in your electrician to check out your power points and how well they meet your business needs?

1. Your Company Has Grown

The power points in your office might have met your needs when you first moved into the building. However, they might not work as well for you now if your company has grown.

Chances are you've added more machines and devices to your office. You might not be able to site machines in logical places if you need to keep them close to power points. Your office organisation might be more disorganised than you want it to be.

Plus, you might have more staff in the space now. They might struggle to find free power points close to their desks when they need them.

In either case, you might need more power points than you currently have. You might need to reconfigure their numbers and placement. For example, it might make sense to add some new power points or to relocate ones in less useful areas.

2. You Have Safety Concerns

If your original power points don't meet your current usage needs, then you could create an unsafe working environment. For example, you might have started to use extension strips on heavily-used power points. You might be at risk of overloading your electrics.

People might also use strips to connect their desks to the nearest power point. This could leave trailing cables on your floors. These cables are a trip hazard.

You might need to think outside of the box here to make your environment safer. For example, you could reconfigure power points away from your walls and install some on the floor closer to desks. You can even put pop-up sockets on desks and workspaces.

3. You Want to Modernise Your Power Points

While older power points do a good job, you might want to switch to using modern outlets. For example, you might want to install power points with built-in surge protection or USB slots. These power points can be much more useful in a modern business environment.

To get started, ask local electrical contractors to come out to your building and review your power points. They can also check key components such as your switchboard to make sure they are suitable and safe for your current and future power needs 
